
比如買[免運費,可超取] iRobot Braava jet 240 Mopping Robot (擦地機器人 380t可參考)_U3可以直送到府或超商取貨 再也不必大包小包的扛回家

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以下是[免運費,可超取] iRobot Braava jet 240 Mopping Robot (擦地機器人 380t可參考)_U3 的介紹 如果也跟我一樣喜歡不妨看看喔!








The iRobot Braava jet Mopping Robot tackles dirt and stains in small spaces, like kitchens and bathrooms. Designed to wet mop, damp sweep, or dry sweep hard floors.


Cleans floors in an efficient, systematic pattern: Braava jet? mops and sweeps small spaces, such as kitchens and bathrooms, with an efficient, systematic cleaning pattern.

Smart design gets into tight spaces: With its square shape and compact size, Braava jet? gets into hard-to-reach places, including under and around toilets, into corners, and below cabinets.

Carefully cleans around obstacles: Braava jet? remembers obstacles in its path and slows down to gently clean along furniture, walls, and fixtures.

Avoids stairs and riding up on rugs: Cliff Detect keeps Braava jet? from falling down stairs and other drop-offs. Braava jet? avoids riding up on rugs.

Knows its way back: Braava jet? returns to its starting point after completing a cleaning run.

Knows when to power down: Braava jet? automatically shuts off after a cleaning run, or if it encounters a problem.


Attach a Braava jet? Cleaning Pad and just press CLEAN: Braava jet? automatically selects the correct cleaning method based on pad type. Choose from wet mopping, damp sweeping, and dry sweeping pads. Works on hard floors such as hardwood, tile, and stone.*

Braava jet? goes only where you want it to: Create an invisible boundary with Virtual Wall? Mode to keep Braava jet? in rooms without a door, such as kitchens and entryways.

Eject Braava jet? pads at the push of a button: With the easy Pad Eject button, you'll never touch grime or grit on the cleaning pad from start to finish.

Easy to store: Compact size makes Braava jet? easy to store.

Quiet operation: Braava jet? won't disrupt daily life as it cares for your hard floors.

Extremely portable: Lightweight design features a convenient handle for easy portability.


Targeted spray tackles dirt and stains**: Precision Jet Spray? loosens dirt and stains. Braava jet? searches for obstacles in its path before it sprays to help protect furniture, rugs, and walls.

Gently scrubs floors: Vibrating Cleaning Head? gently scrubs dirt and stains.**

Mops and sweeps hard floors: Designed to mop and sweep精選 hard floors including hardwood, tile, and stone. *

What's In The Box:

1 iRobot Braava jet? 240

Lithium Ion Battery

Battery Charger

2 Wet Mopping Pads

2 Damp Sweeping Pads

2 Dry Sweeping Pads

1-Year Manufacturer's Limited Warranty On Robot, 6-Month Manufacturer's Limited Warranty On Battery


Package Dimensions: 11.2 x 9.5 x 3.9 inches

Package Weight: 4.2 lbs.

Robot Dimensions: 6.7 x 7 x 3.3 inches

Robot Weight: 2.7 lbs.

The iRobot limited warranty shall not apply to failures or problems which are caused by products or equipment not authorized by iRobot Corporation.

* Always follow manufacturer or installer instructions when cleaning your floors.

**Tested in wet mode on dried coffee and soda.

?Precision Jet Spray used only in Wet Mopping and Damp Sweeping modes.

?Vibrating Cleaning Head used only in Wet Mopping and Damp Sweeping modes.

Country of Origin:China

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活動商品發表者 dondon, 2016/12/06 09:22:51





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Mister Donut總經理洪堯欣表示,「這個小球看起來很簡單,但其實一點都不簡單」,隨行杯設計,不論是看電影、戶外踏青或是宵夜嘴饞又怕胖,都是消費者的好選擇。

洪堯欣指出,公司這次還和日本超人氣插畫角色「卡娜赫拉kanahei」 進行跨品牌聯名,明起同步推出「粉紅兔兔」及「P助(小雞)」 限量造型杯套及杯蓋,共計8款不同造型分8週推出,4月1日當週還有隱藏版款式。

同時,還有獨家的「粉紅兔兔」及 「P助」動物造型甜甜圈,立體療癒造型超吸睛;其中, 有8家門市也改裝為聯名主題門市,包括店門、窗貼、隔板或桌面都有可愛圖像,傳遞歡樂歡樂氛圍。

洪堯欣說,截至今年2月初為止,超商櫃位達230店、獨立門市為 65店,後者到年底前還要再拓展4店,也希望藉由這波活動能夠帶動1至2成目標業績成長。

Mister Donut表示,活動還加碼推出「卡娜赫拉的小動物環保杯組」及「卡娜赫拉的小動物聯名包」,預計21日起開放預購。1060213







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